2013 ~ Sweet Mary Kane’s Year of Being Love

It’s 2013, and for the first time in my life I have no expectations of the events to come throughout the year. I am relaxed yet eager. When I look back over the slide show of my 2012, I can’t hold back tears of joy. What an extraordinary journey I had! Never in a million years would I have told you that I’d be doing the things that I made habits in 2012.

Prior to my experiences with Cannabis I wasted so many years, never satisfied. Which wasn’t the exact problem, but rather that I didn’t even know what I wanted the outcome to be. All events were equally not enough; I always needed more and was certain I would never have it. Ever. And that’s the type of thinking that gets you in this messed up sort of situation in your head. A sort of standstill in which you can not satisfy yourself because you don’t have a direction to go in and you can’t find your direction because you’re dissatisfaction has robbed you of hope.

Right about now you’re asking yourself where the hell is she going with this dark depressing hogwash? Maybe this year I can break that answering all questions in a round-a-bout story telling manner, but I doubt it.

Looking back I had every reason in every moment to be grateful, and Cannabis allowed me to do that all year long. 2012 went by before I could blink. I moved in with the love of my life. I got to see Cypress Hill, twice. I golfed at the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort (Mountain course). I had the pleasure of staying across the hall from the glamourous Ms Elvy Musikka whom I just love and adore. My children are excelling academically and extra circularly. I met more incredible, wonderful, enlightening people in one year than I ever have in my life. I ran 56 flights of stairs in 12 minutes and 50 seconds. I connected with my kindred sister, Zen, a saving grace in my life. We completed Tough Mudder Beaver Creek, CO in 5 hours and 40 minutes. My eyes and ears have been graced with so much incredible information, education, anecdotal evidence, passion and love my mind can’t absorb the magnitude of it all. I golfed, I golfed, and I golfed and was lucky enough to participate in The Clinics 3rd Annual Golf Tournament. I VOTED. I wrote letters and made phone calls all year long (you might laugh if you got your hands on my cell phone contact list which includes FDA, White House, Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division, and the like).  For the first time,  I went skiing, and I didn’t die! I was given the opportunity to help the school children with their ‘who’ makeup for the Grinch play. I witnessed the first ever Cannabis Business Awards. And at the end of every day I get to tuck my kids in and fall asleep next to my soul mate. These are the reasons I know that I am on the “favorite children of Earth” list. I have been so abundantly blessed, and I can’t wait to get this year’s giving back underway.

So let me get to the point already. If everything in 2012 happened just the same way, except I wasn’t medicating with Cannabis I have no doubt that I would be unsatisfied without justification another year.

It feels good to have no expectations of whats to come yet know that it’s going to be brilliant! It feels really good to just be love.

Thursday Pot Thoughts: Volume 3: Roseanne Barr 2012


In 2008 I wanted to be able to vote FOR someone and had my fingers crossed that for Hillary over Barack simply because she was a woman and I thought it was about time – I mean I have a love/hate relationship with feminism but seriously how long did it take for women to get the right to vote after all men could? The answer is nearly half a century! How the hell did it take 49 years when we are practically equal in numbers?


I received my mail in ballot yesterday and Roseanne Barr is really on it. I thought that it was just a joke she made at her roast but there she is listed as Peace and Freedom party. I love peace. I love freedom. Why the devil not? I’m thinking. What difference is my vote going to make anyway? I recently saw Roseanne say in an interview that it wasn’t like she was taking the vote from Obama or Romney they’ve already got their party member’s votes. My silly little vote can’t possibly affect the overall outcome, but I have to say she just may actually steal at least one vote from the duo – mine.


You see normally I vote against someone by casting my vote for the opposing party Republican or Democrat. Normally I would be voting either Romney or Obama. Normally I would justify to myself how it is perfectly acceptable to cast your vote against someone rather than for someone and reason that if I didn’t do just as I’ve always done then my effort would have been a waste. Maybe I’m getting old and senile or maybe this year there is something in the water but what I would normally do is definitely in question. In fact it’s under downright scrutiny.


What would make me want to vote for Obama or Romney? If either one came out in support of ending the prohibition of cannabis they would instantly be attractive to me. Problem: Romney wants to fight legalization tooth and nail (now I can’t have the federal government meddling in my states business). Obama well … I’m torn. I have a feeling the number of federal shut downs during his term is simply due to the increased number of establishments in general. Regardless I am still severely disappointed by his stance on the issue. I mean honestly you’re going to try to feed me that we should be educating people about Cannabis? Because that’s exactly what I’ve been screaming at you with hand written letters, phone calls, and emails! OK so wanting to vote for either of those guys is out of the question.


With that established again I have to ask myself. Honestly what would make me want to vote for someone boils down to the willingness to stand up for the truth. The audacity to speak up and side with the people. The courage and humbleness to educate and end the war on Cannabis. So I looked it up. Roseanne does support legalization OPENLY! Actually she supports a lot of stuff that I like. Really, what is the worst that could happen if I voted Roseanne Barr? Why shouldn’t I do something because it’s what I want to do & not what I think is expected of me (even if most strongly expected by none other than ME!)? Do I need to do the things because I want to in order to be happy? I might.


What if I didn’t wake up anymore?