Thursday Pot Thoughts: Volume 3: Roseanne Barr 2012


In 2008 I wanted to be able to vote FOR someone and had my fingers crossed that for Hillary over Barack simply because she was a woman and I thought it was about time – I mean I have a love/hate relationship with feminism but seriously how long did it take for women to get the right to vote after all men could? The answer is nearly half a century! How the hell did it take 49 years when we are practically equal in numbers?


I received my mail in ballot yesterday and Roseanne Barr is really on it. I thought that it was just a joke she made at her roast but there she is listed as Peace and Freedom party. I love peace. I love freedom. Why the devil not? I’m thinking. What difference is my vote going to make anyway? I recently saw Roseanne say in an interview that it wasn’t like she was taking the vote from Obama or Romney they’ve already got their party member’s votes. My silly little vote can’t possibly affect the overall outcome, but I have to say she just may actually steal at least one vote from the duo – mine.


You see normally I vote against someone by casting my vote for the opposing party Republican or Democrat. Normally I would be voting either Romney or Obama. Normally I would justify to myself how it is perfectly acceptable to cast your vote against someone rather than for someone and reason that if I didn’t do just as I’ve always done then my effort would have been a waste. Maybe I’m getting old and senile or maybe this year there is something in the water but what I would normally do is definitely in question. In fact it’s under downright scrutiny.


What would make me want to vote for Obama or Romney? If either one came out in support of ending the prohibition of cannabis they would instantly be attractive to me. Problem: Romney wants to fight legalization tooth and nail (now I can’t have the federal government meddling in my states business). Obama well … I’m torn. I have a feeling the number of federal shut downs during his term is simply due to the increased number of establishments in general. Regardless I am still severely disappointed by his stance on the issue. I mean honestly you’re going to try to feed me that we should be educating people about Cannabis? Because that’s exactly what I’ve been screaming at you with hand written letters, phone calls, and emails! OK so wanting to vote for either of those guys is out of the question.


With that established again I have to ask myself. Honestly what would make me want to vote for someone boils down to the willingness to stand up for the truth. The audacity to speak up and side with the people. The courage and humbleness to educate and end the war on Cannabis. So I looked it up. Roseanne does support legalization OPENLY! Actually she supports a lot of stuff that I like. Really, what is the worst that could happen if I voted Roseanne Barr? Why shouldn’t I do something because it’s what I want to do & not what I think is expected of me (even if most strongly expected by none other than ME!)? Do I need to do the things because I want to in order to be happy? I might.


What if I didn’t wake up anymore?

SMK’s Thursday Pot Thoughts: Volume 1

It seems these days I have less and less to say. Go figure I would commit to blogging each Thursday and instantly become the silent pondering type. Unfortunately for you I am also the ‘mean what I say’ type. Thus while the reading may be sluggish, even down right painful, the writing will continue. With that said we now delve into the private thoughts of Sweet Mary Kane.

This week I’ve spent a good deal of time thinking about the people in my life who never change. I am the type of person who is always changing. I embrace expansion, integration, and creation as improvement in my life. After all, as Einstein said, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is insanity. Even so I have had and continue to have many people in my life who go as far as taking pride in just the opposite. I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve heard “You’ve changed man!” in an argument, as though changing was a bad thing. Or “I’m still the same Joe.” as a defense tactic. And what makes “You haven’t changed a bit.” a complement? Perhaps you’ve even said similar things. And that I am particularly interested in: if you have a non-changing mindset please try to explain it to me in the comments or message as I am having difficulty seeing the other side on my own.

I would have to say that among my circle of close personal friends the majority are “changers”. My other friends (let’s just call them non-changers for ease here) have come into my life from various circumstances of meeting. They are both male and female as well as scattered across age groups. How these relationships developed does not appear to have a link.

Being that the only common denominator is me I shift focus to the why factor. I am inclined to believe that everyone I meet has come into my life for a purpose. There must be a reason that I have not only met these non-changers but I also maintain relationships with them. I could smoke and think until the cats come home on this one. Why do any friendships exist at all? My theory is because you have something that I need and I have something that you need and most of the times that something is simply love. Ah yes, love, I thought I solved my own problem there for a second, but then I realized that love is also the reason that I’ve been fixating on these questions.

You see I’m also the kind of person who when they come across something really nifty or beneficial they want to share it, especially with the people they love. It’s why I won’t shut up about Cannabis and why I teach my children how to problem solve and understand efficiency (among other things), love. It’s also the reason that when I see my friend running themselves into the same wall over and over just taking a different route to get there I want to help them. I want to problem solve. I want to make a change, improvement. This is only a problem, of course, when they’re a non-changer. When they’re a non-changer what options do I have?

In the past I have had the tendency to interject my solutions and even argue when unable to effectively reason my logic with them. I have spent countless hours lost in thought trying to come up with another way to attempt getting them to see the brilliance of my logic. I have worried and cried and said “BOB SAGET I told you so!” more than a fair share of times. Worst of all I have lost far too much sleep. Why haven’t I just cut these people out of my life? What is the reason our journeys have crossed? There has got to be a lesson to learn here.

Well I’ll be damned if I’m not the one being a non-changer in this situation. So I’ve come to the conclusion that I have to change the way that I handle these things. Now the only problem is the how.

Pleased to meet you.

Welcome to Sweet Mary Kane, on WordPress. This is a blog dedicated to telling the anecdotal history of the relationship between a girl with Alopecia Universalis and Cannabis. Neither subject being heavily explored combined with some morning yoga sparked the idea to document this journey.

I realize that my Facebook page focuses ending the prohibition of Cannabis, however, no official format has been developed as of yet. So don’t expect this to be the type of blog that limits itself to one thought pattern or topic. I couldn’t limit myself to even several topics. You’re likely to see posts on vegetarianism, parenting, Buddhism, physical activity, exploration, traveling, food, crafting, Cannabis, and who knows what else.

Each week I will post a blog on Thursday. With additional ‘bonus blogs’ at my leisure. This is a sister blog to and therefore will, for the most part, be of the same content. No need to subscribe to both as the two sites are meant to be the same post available in two locations for subscriber preference. With that said, I won’t guarantee that every post gets published in both places (or identically), so if you’re avid about what I have to say …

Comments and questions are welcomed, appreciated, and answered.

Can’t wait to get started and come to build relationships with you all through the intrawebs.

Blessed Be,

Sweet Mary Kane